International exchange

Exchange Program

This program allows students to study abroad at a foreign university that has an agreement with International Budo University. Through dormitory life and homestays, students can experience the differences in lifestyle and make friends through exchanges with foreigners studying abroad from various countries. Of course, students from partner universities can also study at the University. The duration of either program is six months or one year. It is partially possible to use credits acquired during the exchange program as graduation credits at the International Budo University.

Joint Research

In addition to the above-mentioned universities, the University has concluded an academic exchange agreement with the Luleå University of Technology (Sweden) and conducts various joint research activities. Recently, the University has conducted joint research projects with the Yong In University and the Hungarian University of Sports Science, dispatching and accepting researchers.

Current situation and challenges of Budo education in Europe
-Focusing on a survey of Budo education at the Hungarian University of Sports Science.

Development of an international teaching model for kendo   -
– Focusing on a survey of kendo at the Yong In University.

Overseas Training Program

By taking the ‘Budo International Exchange Theory’ and ‘Sports Design Practice’ classes in the faculty of physical education, students are able to carry out activities through Budo and sports exchange in other countries, such as Taiwan, South Korea, Cambodia, Hungary, Austria and Sweden. Students have the opportunity to share the knowledge and experiences they have gained at the University with local people, and to deepen their international understanding by experiencing different cultures.

Short-term Budo and Sports Exchange

The International Budo University’s kendo and judo clubs regularly organise Budo and sports exchanges with the Yong In University in South Korea. The volleyball club also does with the University of Saskatchewan and the University of the Fraser Valley in Canada. Each club travels to or hosts these universities every other year for joint training and friendly games. In particular, the Budo clubs have the opportunity to accept short-term foreign trainees so that the students can interact with trainees from other countries during training and practice. In addition, national teams from various countries sometimes hold training camps at the University when they participate in international competitions in Japan.

Dispatch of Budo and Sports Instructors

At the request of overseas national teams, regional block representative teams, dojos and clubs, etc., the University dispatch teachers and students as Budo and sports instructors to countries around the world.

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