1. Student profile required by the Department of Budo and Physical Education.
(1) Persons who are motivated to improve their knowledge and skills in Budo, physical education and sports on their own initiative, making use of their experience in Budo, physical education and sports.
(2) Persons who are motivated to be active in society by making use of their ability to think and judge based on their professional learning experience in Budo, physical education and sports.
(3) Persons who have a broad perspective without being jaded by established facts and values, find their own issues, and are motivated to explore Budo, physical education and sports.
2. Qualifications for Application
Persons who fall under (1) and (2) below.
(1) Those who have foreign nationality and meet any of the following ① to ⑨.
①Those who have completed or are expected to complete 12 years of school education in a foreign country by the time of admission, or those who are equivalent thereto.
② Those who have passed a university entrance qualification examination (including those equivalent to national examinations) conducted in a foreign country.
③ Those who have completed, or are expected to complete by the time of admission, an educational facility in a foreign country recognised or designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, or an educational facility equivalent to such and who will be 18 years of age by the time of admission.
④ Those who have been awarded an International Baccalaureate Diploma in a foreign country by the International Baccalaureate Office, a foundation under the Swiss Civil Code.
⑤ Those who have obtained an Abitur qualification (General University Entrance Certificate (Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife)), which is recognised as a university entrance qualification in the states of the Federal Republic of Germany.
⑥ Those who have obtained a baccalaureate qualification (Diplome du Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement du Second Degre), which is recognised as a university entrance qualification in the French Republic.
⑦ Those who have obtained GCE A-level qualifications recognised as a university entrance qualification in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
⑧ Those who have completed, or are expected to complete by the time of admission, a 12-year course at an educational establishment accredited by an international assessment body (WASC, ACSI, CIS) for its educational activities.
⑨ Those who have been recognised by the University’s individual admission eligibility assessment as having academic ability equivalent or superior to that of a high school graduate and who will be 18 years of age by the time of admission.
(2) Persons who fall either of the following ① or ②.
① Those who have taken the Japanese language section of the 1st or 2nd Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) administered by the Japan Student Services Organisation (JASSO) in the same year.
② Those who have taken the 1st Japanese Language Proficiency Test administered by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) in the same year.
3. Selection Method
Comprehensive selection will be made based on the results of the examination of the application documents, the results of the Japanese language section of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students conducted by the Japan Student Services Organisation (JASSO), or the results of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test conducted by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services Foundation (JASSO), and the results of the examination (interview) conducted by the University.
1. Student profile required by the Graduate School of Budo and Sport
(1) Students who seek to acquire more advanced specialist knowledge and skills through the theory and practice of Budo, physical education and sport.
(2) Those who have the desire and ability to contribute to the spread and development of Budo and sports by exploring various concepts related to Budo, physical education and sports from various aspects such as culture, history, health and education.
(3) Those who have an international outlook and sensibility, and who have the desire and ability to enrich society by promoting the maintenance and improvement of people’s health and physical fitness, making use of their advanced specialist knowledge in health and sports science.
(4) Those who possess advanced knowledge and skills in Budo, physical education and sport, as well as the ability to think logically, and have the desire and ability to contribute to the teaching and education of Budo, physical education and sport, both in Japan and abroad.
2. Purpose of establishing the Graduate School of Budo and Sport
In Japanese society, where globalisation is required, it is necessary to develop highly specialised knowledgeable personnel who can research Budo and sports from new perspectives. In other words, Japan’s position in the context of internationalisation is becoming even more important, and more than ever before we need to reaffirm the importance of national and regional culture. This indicates that the meaning of Budo, the traditional culture of our country, must be more than just a culture of exercise, and that there is a need to train personnel with a high level of expertise who are aware of the uniqueness of Budo, which is different from western sports, and who can approach the international community.
In addition, as the perspective on Budo culture has changed and interest in Budo culture has grown both at home and abroad, there have been changes in the field of school education, with the name “martial arts” being changed to “Budo” in the Courses of Study. This has led to a demand for personnel who are able to explore more deeply the social background and culture of Budo and sports, and who are able to implement advanced education in response to the times.
The aim of the establishment of the Graduate School is to develop professionals who can approach the various issues and problems of Budo and sports, which require diverse responses from many fields such as social, international and educational, from a higher standard of judgement. Therefore, the Graduate School has established three fields of study: ‘Budo and Sports Culture’, ‘Health and Sports Science’ and ‘Budo and Sports Coaching’, which are interrelated and enable students to pursue a wide range of studies.
3. Selection Method
Specialised subjects and oral examinations are conducted to comprehensively assess basic academic skills, logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Before taking the examination, it is necessary to consult with your academic supervisor about the type of research you wish to carry out. For information on academic advisors, please contact the Admission Centre.
International Budo University, International Office
E-mail: kokusai@budo-u.