The Budo Specialization Program was initiated in 1994 for foreigners with the aim of contributing to the international promotion of Budo culture. International students study together with Japanese undergraduate students over one year, learning Budo practice and theory, Japanese language and culture. They also take part in club activities and improve their own specialized Budo. Furthermore, they live together with international people from all over the world in accommodation facilities and develop an international outlook through cross-cultural understanding and respect.
The mission of this program is to contribute to international exchange by sending excellent Budo instructors around the world, with the aim of correctly spreading *the spirit of Budo as advocated by Dr. Shigeyoshi Matsumae, founder of the International Budo University.
* The idea of building world peace by respecting the traditional cultural values of Budo, spreading the peace concept widely, and deepening international friendship and goodwill.